Salt City Cat Club

For The Exhibitor & Spectator!

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Show Hall Etiquette

Responsibilities of Exhibitors - CFA site

Tips for Spectators - What's It All About?? - CFA site

Scoring Procedures - CFA Site

Ribbons & Awards - CFA Site

CFA - Fun things for KIDS - CFA site

Glossary of Show Terms


Show Hall Etiquette

Every cat in the show hall has been assigned a cage where he stays with his owner when he is not being judged. This is the cat's benching cage. Although it may be difficult to resist touching these elegant cats, please refrain from doing so. Never touch any cat without the owner's permission. This is for your protection as well as for the protection of the cat as it is possible to unintentionally spread contagious diseases between cats.

If you are interested in a particular type of cat and the owner is not busy preparing it for the judge's ring, most are happy to discuss their particular breed or breeds with visitors. Children are welcome in the show hall, but they should not be left unattended and should also be cautioned against touching any cat without first asking its owner.



Glossary of Cat Show Terms

All Breed Show:
For all cats regardless of coat length or type (i.e., longhair and shorthair--see also Speciality Show)

A spayed or neutered cat

Any Other Variety (AOV):
Category of cats in which the cat is registered but does not conform to the breed standards

Benching cage:
The cage where the cat stays when not being judged

Best in Show:
The cat that scores the most total points in its class (see Competition Classes below)

Cat Fancy:
Refers to cat enthusiasts

Category of pedigreed cats that have not been spayed or neutered and are at least 8 months of age

Exhibition Only:
A cat or kitten entered in a cat show but not scheduled for judging

A person showing a cat in a show competition

Grand Champion:
A cat in championship that has earned at least 200 points in competition within CFA; other than being a regional or
national winner, this is the highest level a cat in the championship class can achieve

Grand Premier:
This is the equivalent of a Grand Champion for a cat that has been altered; 75 points in competition are required to achieve this status

Household Pet:
Category of random bred or non-pedigreed cat

Category of pedigreed cats between 4 and 8 months of age; cats can be altered or not

A classification for a registered cat or kitten accepted by CFA for registration but not yet for Provisional status

Surgical procedure that makes a male cat incapable of producing kittens; sterilization/castration

Purebred, i.e., parents and other descendants are known and registered with a registration association

Category of pedigreed cats that have been altered and are at least 8 months of age

A category for breeds that have not yet achieved championship status

Random bred:
Non-pedigreed; mixed breed shown in the Household Pet category

Show quality:
Cats that meet show qualifications; cats that closely conform to breed standards or other criteria

Show Standard:
A written description of the ideal cat of a particular breed by which cats of that breed are judged

To surgically remove the reproductive organs of a female cat

Speciality Show:
For cats of similar coat length or type (usually shorthair or longhair)

Not neutered (males) or spayed (females)

A veterinary inspection